Monday, August 1, 2016

2nd Best Day Ever!! 

For those of you who have heard that you shouldn't follow your dreams or you can't do what you love or your crafting, art, whatever is a waste of time and money, let me tell you....

I have been making and selling dish scrubbies for a while now, if you've seen my shops on ArtYah or Etsy, you have seen them. In January 2016, I decided to take the plunge and submit some photos of my scrubbies to Leisure Arts to see if they would be interested to publish my patterns. Now, let me tell you, I figured I would submit them to the biggest pattern company that I know of cause, what the heck, if I was going to be turned down it might as well have been them first. To make a long story short, I received, in the mail today, my copies of the book of patterns they published. Yup, I am now a published author. WOW!! Pinch me, I must be dreaming. Yes, I did know it was happening, I submitted the pictures, sent in the finished items,made a few more (at their request) submitted more pictures, sent those in, signed the contract, and gave them the patterns. But WOW!! To actually see the book in print with my name on the front cover, to see my patterns in a book, published by THE Leisure Arts. Like I said in the title of this post, 2nd Best Day Ever!! Have to tell ya, the first was the birth of my son but this comes in a really close 2nd. And, he was the first person I showed the book to.

So, to all those who discourage you, don't listen to them. Listen to the ones who believe in you (even if it's just the voice in your head). To those of you who told me I could do it, thank you!!

Like my grandmother told me, never give up your dreams.

It's now available on the Leisure Arts website

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